Hi, if u have any riot game INSTALLED, this games come with a ANTICHEAT, that anticheat is on KERNEL side r0.
Normally this anti-cheat block any bad stuff happening on u pc, even when u no running the games.
If u crashing at injection, pleas take a example of this:
1.- Open u Logger.log file.
2.- Find inside if the crash was at the initial of downloading and creating objects:
There are aprox 96 files that the mod download from the fikit servers, and go installed on u pc.
Look at this example:
Copy [23:39:49][INFO/:119]: Pleas check a PopUP - And select u Server.
[23:39:54][INFO/:183]: Launching Files Validation
[23:39:54][INFO/:16]: Loading OutfitComponents
[23:39:54][INFO/:185]: Files Validate
[23:39:54][INFO/:666]: File Version: 2.9 | Required: 2.9
[23:39:54][INFO/:721]: SystemSettings: LOADED!
[23:39:54][INFO/:39]: Settings Loaded
[23:39:54][INFO/:37]: File version matches: 1.0
[23:39:54][INFO/:266]: [JSON]: MainLanguage.json - Items -> 1852
[23:39:54][INFO/:520]: [File-Populate]: SingleObjectsPickup.json 147
[23:39:54][INFO/:554]: [File-Populate]: VehiclesTint.json 97
[23:39:55][INFO/:588]: [File-Populate]: Objects.json 3093
[23:39:55][INFO/:624]: [File-Populate]: weaponsAmmoPickup.json 20
[23:39:55][INFO/:659]: [File-Populate]: weaponsAmmoPickup2.json 25
[23:39:55][INFO/:694]: [File-Populate]: stanceStyles.json 20
[23:39:55][INFO/:729]: [File-Populate]: horseComponentCategorys.json 7
[23:39:55][INFO/:857]: [File-Populate]: pickupArrows.json 10
[23:39:55][INFO/:896]: [File-Populate]: faceOptions.json 40
[23:39:55][INFO/:935]: [File-Populate]: bodyTypes.json 6
[23:39:55][INFO/:971]: [File-Populate]: waistTypes.json 21
[23:39:55][INFO/:1065]: [File-Populate]:Agate_Arrowhead.json 6
[23:39:55][INFO/:1065]: [File-Populate]:Bone_Arrowhead.json 6
[23:39:55][INFO/:1065]: [File-Populate]:Chipped_Arrowhead.json 6
[23:39:55][INFO/:1065]: [File-Populate]:Crude_Arrowhead.json 6
[23:39:55][INFO/:1065]: [File-Populate]:Feldspar_Arrowhead.json 6
[23:39:55][INFO/:1065]: [File-Populate]:Flint_Arrowhead.json 6
[23:39:55][INFO/:1065]: [File-Populate]:Obsidian_Arrowhead.json 6
[23:39:55][INFO/:1065]: [File-Populate]:Quartz_Arrowhead.json 6
[23:39:55][INFO/:1065]: [File-Populate]:Raw_Arrowhead.json 6
[23:39:55][INFO/:1065]: [File-Populate]:Rough_Arrowhead.json 6
[23:39:55][INFO/:1065]: [File-Populate]:Slate_Arrowhead.json 6
[23:39:55][INFO/:1065]: [File-Populate]:Splintered_Arrowhead.json 6
[23:39:55][INFO/:1124]: [File-Populate]:MoneyItems.json 3
[23:39:55][INFO/:1124]: [File-Populate]:ToSell.json 8
[23:39:55][INFO/:1124]: [File-Populate]:AmmoItems.json 9
[23:39:55][INFO/:1124]: [File-Populate]:Comsumables.json 17
[23:39:55][INFO/:1158]: [File-Populate]: EmotesList.json 45
[23:39:55][INFO/:1200]: [File-Populate]: firstHerbs.json 1210
[23:39:55][INFO/:1238]: [File-Populate]: HerbsMenu.json 23
2024/07/15 23:39:55 214452
***** Unexpected Exception Handler: Received fatal exception UNKNOWN EXCEPTION:3765269347 PID: 18776
******* STACKDUMP *******
The crash can happen at any part of the 96 files, just be sure the crash is happening after a [File-Populate] line, if this happen u need to doe TWO STUFFS..
1.- IF U HAVE ANY RIOT GAMES installed in u pc, u should have they ANTI-CHEAT u need to exit that ANTICHEAT before injecting the mod, this is easy just go to u icons:
In that part u should see Vanguard anti-cheat icon, doe right click and EXIT.
Last updated 7 months ago