The Install Without Loader guide only work for tools like:
RDR2 and GTA V
Before start with this be sure u have follow basic setup. SETUP WINDOWS FOR ANY PRODUCT
To install without loader, u just need to have a DLL injector
Or use the Quick Injector (Injector.exe).
Using Injector.exe
U need to have the cheat.dll and the Injector.exe
1.- Rename the dll to: rdr2_cheat.dll
2.- Place the rdr2_cheat.dll and the Injector.exe in same location.
3.- Open u game and open the Injector.exe while u game is on main menu.
After u made this some stuffs gonna happen:
1.- When cheat load, a text file and a folder gonna go open.
(In the text file, u need to fill u login information), and save the file.
2.- One time u edit the file with u login information, and u save it.
(Go to the MOD CONSOLE) and press F12 that should resume the mod load.
If the login fail, u gonna see the reason on the console.
If u dont see it check the Logger.txt, in C:\Users\U_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\FikitRDR2
Here is a quick video of concept:
Using any other Injector:
The steps are the same the only different is that for inject u used u own injector and no the Quick Injector.
Other usage case can be:
1.- Load the cheat dll with any injector, or quick injector.
2.- Wait some seconds for the LoginData.json be open on notepad, and closed the CHEAT CONSOLE.
3.- Edit the Login information and saved it.
4.- Re open the game and re inject.
If u dont want to read too much:
1.- Inject the dll with any injector.
2.- Wait for the LoginData.json text editor been open.
3.- Close the cheat console (or RDR2 game).
4.- Edit the LoginData with u info, saved it.
5.- Re open game and re-inject.
Last updated