How Install ScriptHook Files
A ScriptHook (.asi) file is a mod that has been made normally for RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 (SINGLE PLAYER), but u can load it on u game using the Fikit Menu.
In order to doe this u need to already have u desire .asi file.
If u don't have, try to get one from
When u ready, and have u .asi mod open the "FikitRDR2/ScriptHook" folder, if u don't know how access check: HOW OPEN MENU FILES
Put all the mod files in the ScriptHook folder on FikitRDR2
Next time u load the Fikit Menu, go to "Main Menu" >> "ScriptHook" then should be easy to understand from there.
(Advise): Some menus required to put .asi and some .dll in the ScriptHook and others files in the folder of the game (where u install).
Last updated