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Last updated
Since BE *Anti/Cheat* has been add to the game u need some extra steps>
If u game is under Rockstar Game Launchers pleas check this video>
Resume> If u game is purchased direct from Rockstar Game Launcher, just go to settings, and click *Disabled Battle Eye*.
If u game is from steam or epic games u need to doe the next>
1.- Create Rockstar Launcher Account (this because u still need to doe the Disabled of BE) in the Rockstar Launcher. (If u dont have a account just make one, and then just disabled the option like on the video).
. Make sure BattlEye is disabled in the Rockstar Games Launcher settings.
. Input the command -nobattleye in 'commandline.txt' located in your game directory EPIC GAMES/STEAM etc..
This mean u need to go where u have u GTA5 installed, and if u dont have a commandline.txt there, u need to created it and then just add inside the -nobattleye
Start The Command Line Prompt as Administrator and simply enter sc delete BEService to remove BattleEye service completely.
Then type the command and press enter:
Alternative u can add the command -nobattleye in Launch Arguments for example on steam:
Go to u game in u library, doe right click:
Then just add on Launch Arguments the command -nobattleye:
The image is on spanish but is self explain cause the UI is the same for everyone.